flicks that click

17 February 2021

Finished watching the season 7 of The 100 TV series. Towards the last couple of episodes, I realized that this was the end of the road for The 100. It was a very touching ending to the journey of the TV series. Fell in love with many characters like Clarke, Octavia and Raven. They all wanted to save the human race and they ended up being saved in such a way that they never knew existed. Transcended.

Only Clarke, Octavia, Murphy and Miller survived till the end from the original 100. Clarke killed Bellamy and they never hooked up… Would have been a real bummer if I didn’t found out that Clarke and Bellamy hooked up in real life and got married. 

Would have loved to see a lot more of Lincoln during the show, but later found out that the director and showrunner had bullied him so much, that he had decided to leave the show. What a shame

Apart from the original survivors of The 100, very good performances by Raven, Echo, Indra, Emori, Hope, Diyoza and Gaia. Found Lexa to be very hot from the beginning and Gaia was shown as hot at the end with her choice of clothes as well. 

Clarke and Octavia had the best journeys. 

The soundtrack Radioactive by Koda is really cool. Kept listening to it over and over again. Storylines, emotions and dilemmas from The 100 bled out into my dreams many times over and I woke up many a time with the same feelings I had when I was watching the series like – what we think is the correct thing, is always relative. 

Your fight is over

11 September 2021

Noticed Jason Momoa from Stargate Atlantis when he acted as Ronan. Then he was the mighty Hercules and then Karl Drogo in Game of Thrones. Loved his charisma and acting in all of those. Now it’s good to see him again in the Apple TV series – SEE, where he is playing a blind warrior. The whole world is blind, except for a few in this post apocalyptic series. Really good concept. 

The second season started last month and the third episode is still downloading. Really good first two episodes 

Baba Voss (Jason Mamoa’s character) is a great warrior who is now a family man and lived with his wife and 2 children during season 1, where his wife was kidnapped and so was his daughter. In the second episode of the second season, Baba goes on a one man rescue mission and successfully saves his daughter. Even though Baba loves his two children like his own, he is not their father. 

Dave Bautista plays General Voss, Baba Voss’s brother who was apparently betrayed by Baba long ago and was tortured for a long time. It was General Voss who kidnapped Baba’s daughter so that he can capture him and get his revenge. However when the opportunity came for Baba to kill his brother, he spared him. One of the highlights of the series are the blind fights and how good Baba Voss is at killing people

12 September 2021

INTO THE NIGHT – another post apocalyptic TV series on Netflix with a good and creative story behind it. The Sun is killing people and shows how a group of people are surviving it in a bunker. Most of season 1 is shot in a plane where they show the journey to the bunker. I liked it how each episode is named after each character where at the beginning of the episode, they show a flashback of how that character came into that flight. It was sad to watch the mother and the child die. Good acting all around where you feel like punching the faces of some of the soldiers which shows that they are doing a good job. Waiting for season 3!

15 September 2021

CASTLE ROCK is a TV series is based on Stephen’s King’s novel. It has a very small connection to the Shawshank Redemption movie staring Morgan Freemon and Tim Robbins. The series starts off with the warden of Shawshank Prison killing himself. Later shows in a wall hanging that the warden before him was the warden who was in the Shawshank Redemption movie. A slow paced, psychological horror (a little bit) movie based on a young guy who had been caged for the last 30 years by the warden who killed himself in the first episode. Apparently he has not aged for the last 30 years. The cast is really good which made me watch the series in the first place. Sissy Spacek is really good, then supported by Scott Glenn (Jason Bourne movies, Greenland, Training Day, Silence of the Lambs), Melanie Lynskey (Two and a Half Men), Terry O’Quinn (Lost) and Noel Fisher (Twilight). 

Watched 6 episodes at a stretch and now at the 7th episode and lost a little bit of interest. 3 more to go for the season 1 to end. Looks like there’re some good new additions into the cast of season 2 like Tim Robbins (Shawshank Redemption, Mystic River) and Barkhad Abdi (Captain Phillips). Looks like the only cast member who is in season 2 is one of the main characters (the weird dude that got caged up) played by Bill Skarsgard (son of Stellan Skarsgard – Avengers & Thor film series, Chernobyl, Angels and Demons, Mamma Mia, Pirates of the Caribbean series, etc)

Maybe I might continue to watch Castle Rock again or maybe not. But, it’s a very interesting slow paced TV series.  

16 September 2021

A repeat run of the movie BATTLESHIP starring Taylor Kitsch (John Carter), Liam Neeson and Rihanna. An alien invasion, brothers love, a rogue rising up for the challenge and a romantic couple. A good old American action movie. 

This is one of the films (along with John Carter) that put Taylor Kitsch on the Hollywood map. Didn’t see him in a lot of other movies except as Gambit in the Wolverine, alongside Hugh Jackman. Acting is average but there were some good directing movies that gave the spine tingling “sacrifice” moments. 

17 September 2021

A really good movie of a badass gangster turning into a PREACHER and then being possessed by a Angle-Demon spirit which gives him the ability to convince people to do what he wants them to do. He makes mistakes along the way trying to find what his new powers can do. 

His sidekick, the vampire is a funny character which keeps the humor of the movie going. Still done with 6 episodes in season 1 and there are so many possibilities to the flow of the series. Dominic Cooper stars as the Preacher and is doing a heck of a job. 

I think the two girls in the series are used to show the 2 sides of the Preacher. Got a little bit of “Supernatural” series touch to it, but an independent storyline. Still not sure what the flashbacks of the 1880’s are all about. 

Preacher’s old flame wants him to join her and get revenge on one of their old associates who screwed both of them over

18 September 2021

A really good limited series – THE NIGHT MANAGER starring Tom Hiddleston (Loki, Avengers, King Kong), Hugh Laurie (House), Tom Hollander (Pirates of the Caribbean), academy award winner Olivia Colman and the hot, 6′ 2″ tall Elizabeth Debicki. Hugh Laurie a well known comedian is impressive playing the villain. 

The 6 episode series revolves around Tom Hiddleston who helps a damsel in distress while he was the night manager of a hotel in Cairo. Then he likes her and she gets killed under orders from Hugh Laurie. Then he is recruited by a government task force manager who had been trying to catch Hugh Laurie for a long time. It’s a nice journey from a night manager to a thief to a drug dealer to a con man and a spy. Tom falls for Hugh’s tall, sexy girl and they fall for each other. At the end, Hugh gets kidnapped as a part of Tom’s plan and he gets the girl and a happy ending for everyone. 

24 September 2021

Another good sci-fi movie – COUNTERPART, where a guy tries to spy for his comrade who was promised a way out of the Berlin wall. While he spies, the equipment that he is supposed to watch over malfunctions and it creates an event where the whole world gets copied and a duplicate is created, something similar to a parallel world. He meets his “other” from the other world and they together bring in a collection of scientists who start the experiment where they try to find solutions to the everyday problem by trying to make the most out of the situation. 

Things don’t happen according to plan and many years later, Howard Silk’s (played by J.K. Simmons) story unravels taking us through a collection of mixed feelings of betrayal, cheating, sympathy and many more. It shows how small things in life can make a big impact in your life. The story beautifully turns the table of the good guy into the bad guy and vice versa. Manipulation and love are two key aspects of this 20 episode – 2 season series. Very happy to see that gay relationships are being shown as a normal thing in many TV series. Olivia Williams plays well as Emily and the girls who play Clare, Baldwin, Mira and Naya are doing a great job with their roles. 

The final shootout at the train station was badass and it was heartwarming to see the Other Howard taking care of Baldwin and both of them crossing over to their world. The series ended on a high where James Cromwell dies due to flu poisoning, hinting at the entire world will now get infected and millions will die.

30 September 2021

A recreation of the movie Golden Compass, the TV series HIS DARK MATERIALS is a good fantasy thriller. Revolving around Lyra who’s mother and father are two opposites. Lyra first seeks the love of her parents but learns of their agendas and that they have plans of their own. The soul is shown by a daemon which is an animal. In season 2 Lyra is joined by Will, another boy with a destiny to do great things. 

The story and characters keep evolving where the witches, bears and finally the angels come to assist Lyra. Lee Scoresby’s death at the end of season 2 is a bit sad. I like the scientist who has no idea what she is getting herself into and goes to help Lyra at the orders of an angel. Season 3 is in production and will be the last one in the series. Lyra’s dad  – Lord Asriel is played by James McAvoy who is at the center of the story but the story is being told from Lyra’s point of view so Asriel’s character only appears in small bits

05 October 2021

A futuristic society where a dying person’s consciousness is uploaded into a virtual reality. There are different levels of virtual reality where the rich get to stay in a place called Lakeview and the poor get to be in 2Gig. The tv series UPLOAD is a good one where romance happen between a girl who works for the company who handles the virtual reality and a dead guy. It looks like he was murdered. Robbie Amell from Tomorrow People plays the lead role. First time seeing Andy Allo and her “fuck you” attitude is cute and they both have really good chemistry together. Ends in a high with the guy’s a little blonde, controlling and crazy girlfriend uploads herself into 2Gig so that she can be with him. There’s a season 2 that’s coming up as well