
publications in
sri lanka newspapers

Following are some of the newspaper articles that I have written over the years

What makes a country stand out as a Luxury Destination?
- The Island, 20th July 2019

An article about how Sri Lanka can move forward and use its natural wonders and resources to make this island a luxury destination.

The Miracle Island
- The Island, 31 July 2019

An article about how the Ayurveda medicine and treatments can be used as one of the major foreign currency earners to the country.

Why Colombo doesn't attract travelers like Paris or Rome?
- The Island, 28th July 2019

Where have we gone wrong as a destination? Why is our number 1 city, not attractive to the world explorers?

Jaffna Isles
- The Island, 26th July 2019

The untapped potential of the many small islands that are in the Jaffna peninsula is discussed here.

A Road less traveled
- The Island, 27th July 2019

There're so many forgotten archeological sites in Sri Lanka which are over-shadowed by the most famous ones.

Life is a Bus stop
- The Island, 23rd August 2019

Do we ever stop to think, why we are running this race that we call life? At the end, would we be satisfied?